Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Year 6 Reflection 2019

As the 2019 school year comes to a close, we remember the journey our Year 6s have embarked on over the years here at May Road School. We hope you take everything you've learnt with you on the next part of your learning journey! Thank you for setting the bar high for the future Year 6 cohorts!

They are going to have a heck of a time at their Y6 sleepover & JUMP! trip the next day!

Check out the montage of our awesome 2019 Year 6 graduates, compiled by Ms Tokuma.

As many have said before, it's not a goodbye, but a see you later.
Once May Road, ALWAYS May Road.

All the best!

xo Team 14.


  1. Hello Room 14, to me you guys are so lucky because you get to do all these fun things. I have one question are you at camp or not? Thank you for posting. Blog you later.

    1. And I am from Owairaka school!

  2. Hello Room 14, my name is Kylah and i Go to Owairaka district primary school, I really like the fun things you did and i hope you enjoyed it i have a question to ask you, DID you enjoy camp was it camp? Baiiiiii

    1. I hope you enjoyed the year baiiii

  3. Hi my name is Deborah and im in room 24 Owairaka District School. I wish I was doing those fun things, the year six kids look like they are having fun. Im also a year 6 and I have lots of questions... But I won't bore you and only ask one.
    Are you at camp?

    You should check out my blog
    My Blog


  4. kia ora room 14 my name is Aundreah I am in room 24 from owairaka school . That must of been such a fun year for you guys.We are going to camp too , I have a question for you
    what was it like at camp?you can come and check and my blog right here https://odsaundreah.blogspot.com/ BLOG YA LATER . from Aundreah


2020 Bunnings Y6 Spring Contest - FIRST PLACE WINNNERS!!

At the end of term 3, Ms Tokuma submitted a mural a few Y6 students created for the 2020 Bunnings Spring Project.   The brief was simple, cr...
