Saturday, March 24, 2018

Swimming in Term One - Achsah & Mariam Y5.

Back floating
Duck Dive
Front floating
Safing others
Non-stop swimming
Finding a number plate under water
Racing to other side of the pool

Ever first term we go to swimming this term I wasn’t here at March I came to school again and every day we went to swimming.At the beginning of the term our teachers told us what to do and then they gave us some free time to play in the pool.At the end of the term we had our swimming coaches and they told us how to do Back floating,front floating, treading,Duck Dive,.The  coaches showed us how to back float under water.What you need to do is bend your knees and go and bend your back and float.When you are in the sea and you are drowning you have to float in your back and put your hands up so people can see you if you see anybody and put your hands up.When you duck dive you have to feel the ground with your hands.When you duck dive you have to make sure your legs are shrait like you are wearing a mermaid tail.

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