Friday, October 16, 2020

2020 Bunnings Y6 Spring Contest - FIRST PLACE WINNNERS!!

At the end of term 3, Ms Tokuma submitted a mural a few Y6 students created for the 2020 Bunnings Spring Project.  

The brief was simple, create an artwork based on our interpretation of spring.  The next part not so simple, we had around about 7 days to plan, draft and execute the vision.  Things happened as they usually do but we got there in the end.  

We also happened to win FIRST PLACE! CHEHOOO!

We travelled to Bunnings Mt Roskill on the 15th (October) to collect our prizes.

Check out our masterpiece:
Big, bright and bold!

Monday, June 22, 2020

Team 14s' Custom Emojis ;-D

We have a talented bunch in Team 14, so we thought it'd be cool to use our creativity and the tools we have at our fingertips to create our own custom emojis!  Check out our emojis we created on Google Draw :)  We used a range of shapes, the polyline tool, colours and gradients to develop our little art pieces.

Let us know if you give it a go, it'd be cool check out the creativity we have in our community!

Friday, June 19, 2020

Toolkits 2020!

This year the Ako Hiko Toolkits Conference was a little different... And when we say a little we mean a lot!

This time round, EVERYBODY got to attend the first ever online Toolkits conference!  It was definitely an experience for the books.  Sessions spanned the whole day and we got to interact and learn things from our own school peers as well as our Ako Hiko peers.

From 'Tinkercad' to 'Incredibox' the sessions were amazing and we gotta give it to the amazing presenters who led their toolkits as best as they could. They were very informative and even with a few hiccups here and there, they managed to keep calm and carry on, ka pai tō mahi!  

Hopefully we can do it this way again so that we all get to experience the learning that takes place in our annual Ako Hiko Toolkits!

By the end of it, we were full of knowledge and a bit tired.  It was still verrrry busy nearing the end and Team 14 got a little frustrated in the waiting room for the last meet.. We waited to no avail. Hopefully we didn't miss much!! Technical difficulties hey!


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Year 6 Reflection 2019

As the 2019 school year comes to a close, we remember the journey our Year 6s have embarked on over the years here at May Road School. We hope you take everything you've learnt with you on the next part of your learning journey! Thank you for setting the bar high for the future Year 6 cohorts!

They are going to have a heck of a time at their Y6 sleepover & JUMP! trip the next day!

Check out the montage of our awesome 2019 Year 6 graduates, compiled by Ms Tokuma.

As many have said before, it's not a goodbye, but a see you later.
Once May Road, ALWAYS May Road.

All the best!

xo Team 14.

Friday, December 13, 2019


This past Thursday, May Road School held their annual Fia Fia Night.  Room 14 like all other classes had been practising as much as they could over the past nine weeks.

This year, we choreographed our own hip hop number to a mix of a few cool tunes. Check out our item below. ENJOY!

Many of our Team 14 students are also part of the Tongan Group, check out the performance items from that night.

Year 6 Dance:

Tongan Group Ma'ulu'ulu

2020 Bunnings Y6 Spring Contest - FIRST PLACE WINNNERS!!

At the end of term 3, Ms Tokuma submitted a mural a few Y6 students created for the 2020 Bunnings Spring Project.   The brief was simple, cr...
